1K Freelancing Course

earn your first 1k freelancing

Free 5-Day Course

⬇ Sign up below to get started ⬇

(If form isn’t working, email mitch [at] projectuntethered [dot] com. I will add you in manually.)

Here’s What You’ll Learn:

â–¶ The #1 thing ALL aspiring freelancing writers should do before starting to avoid wasting months of their life.

â–¶ The easiest way to solve the “I don’t have any writing samples to show” problem

â–¶ Should you niche down? (Hint: It depends)

â–¶ Why you should avoid Upwork, job boards, and Facebook freelancing groups like the plague

â–¶ Where to find freelance writing jobs with virtually no competition

â–¶ A proven fill-in-the blank email template for reaching out to potential clients

â–¶ A simple spreadsheet you can use to make sure you NEVER run out of work

â–¶ The mindset shift you MUST make if want to break the feast-or-famine cycle and make freelancing into your full-time thing

â–¶ And much more…

⬇ Sign up below to get started ⬇


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  • Realistic advice on setting up life on the road (no hype)

  • Cool travel hacks that'll save you money

  • Direct access to me for questions

From learning exactly how to travel the world full-time, earn money from anywhere, and live a completely "untethered" life.

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