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CopyHour Review: Is It Worth The Money in 2025?

Last Update:

90-day copywriting program that teaches you how to become a skilled and an in-demand copywriter.

💰  Cost

$497 one time payment.

💚  The Good

Daily “copyhour” drills copywriting skills into your soul, generous refund policy, some of the best copywriters in the world have graduated from this program.

💔  The Bad

Must stay consistent to make it in this course. If you fall behind, it’s hard to catch up.

  What We Think

Best copywriting course for actually ingraining the skills into your brain and transforming your writing style. I’m no longer a copywriter, but I still use what I learned in this course to build a six-figure business.

Searching for a no BS CopyHour review?

If so, you’re in the right place.

There’s a lot of hype around Derek Johanson’s famous copywriting training course

Some people swear by it, others say it’s a complete waste of time.

And with a steep price tag, it’s not a decision to take lightly.

So, is CopyHour worth the money? Does it live up to the claims?

That’s exactly what I’ll help you decide today.

In this review I’ll show you…

  • A behind-the-scenes video of the course
  • What type of people it’ll help most
  • Who it’ll be a waste of time for
  • What I like, and what I DON’T like
  • Tips for getting the most out of the course

Ready Set Go!

IMPORTANT: Derek gave Member’s Area of CopyHour a facelift after I made this review. So just imagine everything I’m about to show you, but prettier, more organized, and more comprehensive.

UPDATE: Ian Stanley (one of the best email copywriters in the world) bought out the CopyHour company and is offering some juicy add-ons for the first round of new students.

UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: Derek realized letting go of Copyhour was like letting go of a firstborn child, so he bought it back from Ian and is continuing to improve it using the latest tech tools.

👀 This is a Level 3 review. Read more about our in-depth course review process.

TL;DR – Is CopyHour Worth It?

Here’s what it comes down to…

This course is only worth it if you actually DO the course and APPLY what it teaches.

Seems obvious, right?

The thing is, it’s a BIG commitment—one hour a day for 90 days. You have to be ready to work the moment you sign up. If you’re not 100% in or can’t carve out an hour a day, then save your money.

But if you are serious about learning copy and are willing to power through for 90 days, there’s zero chance you’ll be disappointed. It’s not possible.

If you stay disciplined, this is your best bet at reaching your copywriting goals.

If you decide the course is right for you, scroll to the bottom of this page to get a special sign-up bonus.

Alrighty then! Let’s get into the nitty-grittys!

Let’s start with a behind-the-scenes look at the course itself…

Inside Look at the CopyHour Course

In this video, I give a sneak peek of what it looks like inside the course and reveal everything I like (and don’t like) about the course:

How to Use CopyHour to Sear Copy Skills Into Your Brain

Before diving into the details of each part of the course, I want to share my experience with the assignments (plus some quick tips I discovered that’ll help you learn faster).

Tip #1.) Divide your notebook like this:

Do your hand-copying on the right side, leave space on the left to write comments. When you’re finished, it’ll look something like this (sorry for the butt-ugly writing):

Copyhour review - example of copyhour exercise

Tip #2.) Write first thing in the morning

The later you wait in the day, the less likely you’ll be to squeeze your copy hour in. Set your alarm clock an hour early, and do it at the same time every day. Not only will it be easier to build a habit, but you’ll also have fewer distractions.

Tip #3.) Stay present while writing

Speaking of distractions, in order for this to work, you need to stay focused while writing. 

The biggest mistake people make when handcopying successful letters is going through the motions mindlessly. It doesn’t work if your mind is constantly thinking about other things. 

You have to pretend you are actually writing the letter yourself and think about the words as you put them down on paper. This is KEY #1. 

Tip #4.) Spend 30 minutes handwriting, 30 minutes analyzing

Key #2 is going back through your writing afterward and analyzing it. Dissect each word and sentence and try to understand WHY it was chosen. Underline power words, smooth transitions, powerful arguments, credibility boosters…anything that sticks out to you. On the left, take notes on what you find.

Lastly, open up a Google doc and start making your own swipe file of words, phrases, transitions, etc. that you like. This will be super handy to refer back to when you’re writing your own copy.  

What’s Included In CopyHour 2023

If you skipped the video above, here’s a recap of everything that’s included (the video will give you a better feel of what it actually looks like and what to expect)

#1.) Daily Emails

screenshot of CopyHour course emails
Make sure to create a special CopyHour folder to keep everything organized!

The meat of the CopyHour course consists of daily emails that slowly ingrain the principles of copywriting into your brain. Each email contains:

  1. A copywriting lesson (that builds upon one another)
  2. A handwriting assignment that solidifies the lesson (using proven ads)

You will receive an assignment every day, Monday through Friday. Saturday is a bonus assignment. And Sunday is a rest day (or catch-up day).

#2.) Facebook Group

screenshot of copyhour facebook group
If you’re lucky you’ll even get to watch D play the guitar and sing copywriting songs 😂

In the CopyHour Facebook group, you’ll find 50+ hours worth of videos that breaks down the copy in each assignment and explores the lesson in more depth.

These videos are optional (i.e. for over-achievers), but watching them after completing each assignment really helped nail down the concepts for me.

If you’re serious about absorbing as much value from the course as possible, I highly recommend them.

Update: He no longer records new live videos for each day, but you can still watch the videos from previous rounds of CopyHour that are filled with gold info.

#3.) Member’s Area

screenshot of copyhour course member's area
Updated version of one of the lessons in the CopyHour Member’s Area

The member’s area is filled with all sorts of goodies.

First, you have all the course info broken up into modules. This was added in after I purchased the course and is super useful for reviewing everything you’ve learned.

Instead of having to scour through all 90 emails (like I had to), he has everything organized here in the modules.

In the modules, he also expands on topics from the emails and offers extra resources, so don’t forget to check in here as you move through the 90 days.

In addition to the modules, you can also access recorded Q&A calls and private group calls, which answer student questions and take things even deeper.

Lastly, the Member’s Area houses all of CopyHour’s juicy BONUSES…

Are The Bonuses Any Good?

Holy crap yes!

When I bought the course, none of the bonuses existed. Then one day I logged in to see what was happening in CopyHour world and…BANG!

It was like he added an entire extra course’s worth of material that I didn’t even pay for. (Watch video above to see what all the extras look like).

The biggest addition is “The Cartel”, which goes over a complete start-to-finish game plan on how to set up your freelance copywriting business and start getting high-paying clients. 

I’m guessing Derek had a lot of customers (including myself) messaging him saying that CopyHour taught them how to write killer copy, but they had no idea how to actually find clients who pay well.

And the cool thing is…he listened!

Now, I’ll admit, these bonus courses aren’t the most polished pieces of content you’ll ever see.

In fact, they’re pretty basic. No high-tech videos or anything. Some are just collections of powerpoints, audio files, interviews, and PDFs.

But if you give them a chance, you’ll realize that looks can be deceiving. When it comes to online courses, looks don’t mean diddly poop. It’s all about the value INSIDE the content. 

For me, the Cartel bonus course was a HUGE game-changer for me and opened my eyes to a whole other copywriting world.

Note: Bonuses are subject to change over time. Check the latest bonuses here.

CopyHour Review: Pros and Cons

What I DIDN’T like

❌ While the Member’s Area revamp is WAY more organized than the previous version, some of the bonus courses aren’t the most pretty-looking (but like I said, it’s the actual information that counts).

❌ If you fall behind for a few days, it’s tough to catch back up. It would be cool if there was some sort of “Pause” option. That said, if you create a separate email folder just for CopyHour lessons, you can always go back to them later.

❌ Derek responded to about 50% of my emails asking for advice. I was hoping for more personal attention (but I guess that’s what private CopyHour coaching is for!). Now that I think about it, at CopyHour’s current price point, it would be humanly impossible for him to give personalized answers to every single question he gets from students…I bet his inbox is flooded with messages. Fortunately, there are other ways to get personalized attention if you need it.

What I DID like

✅ You can take the course as many times as you want. Every time he opens the course, you can opt-in to receive all the daily emails again. This is perfect if you want to refresh your memory or if you weren’t able to finish the first time around.

✅ He regularly updates the course. Not only has he added thousands of dollars of free bonus material since I’ve joined, but he also updates the emails and sales letters within the course to make sure he’s including sales letters that are working TODAY (although there are plenty of classics mixed in). 

✅ Some of the top copywriters in the world launched their careers by taking CopyHour.

✅ His refund policy forces you to succeed. If you hand-copy every assignment and are still unsatisfied, he’ll refund your money. The kicker is, if you actually do the assignments, there is no way you’ll want a refund. It will completely transform the way you think and write.

✅ Unlike most courses where the info goes in one ear and out the other, CopyHour seriously drills the fundamentals into your head. 

▶ First you learn the lesson in the email.
▶ Then you soak in the principles while hand-copying.
▶ Then you solidify those principles by analyzing and taking notes on the letter you copied.
▶ Then you deepen your knowledge even further with the supplemental content in the Member’s Area and assignment breakdown videos in the FB group.

…if you do this every day for 12 weeks, you’ll have more confidence and skills than 99% of other copywriters out there…most of whom just skimmed through a copywriting book and called it a day. 

Anyone can call themselves a copywriter, but if you want your copy to actually make sales (for yourself or clients), you better know your shiz.

The Verdict: Is CopyHour Worth It?

You have to decide that for yourself.

This course has made a bigger impact on me than any other copywriting course I’ve taken. If my best friend asked me how to become a copywriter, I’d point them to CopyHour.

HOWEVER (and I feel like this goes without saying), you’ll get out of it what you put in. I’ve talked to a couple people who have bashed on CopyHour. They said it was a complete waste of time, so they gave up after 2 weeks…

People who give up after two weeks are the exact kind of people who shouldn’t buy.

If you can’t commit to 90 days, don’t waste your money. 

This is for you if…
🟢 You want the skills to impress clients and become an in-demand freelance copywriter.
🟢 You want the skills to sell more of your own products/services.
🟢 You want to ingrain copywriting and persuasive communication into your brain (and not just copy other people).
🟢 You want to be held accountable. 
🟢 You want to learn how to land clients (with The Cartel)

This is NOT for you if…
🔴 You just want shortcuts and fill-in-the-blank formulas and don’t care about actually learning how to write your OWN effective copy.
🔴 You can’t spare 30-60 minutes per day for the next 12 weeks.
🔴 You’re not committed to becoming a skilled copywriter.
🔴 You have carpal tunnel.

How the Course Could Actually SAVE You Money

Let’s not forget that time is money.

Sure, you could learn copywriting all by yourself by hunting down all the right material to study, frankensteining together your own plan, and hoping you’re learning the right things.

But that would take ages. (How much is your time worth to you?)

For me, paying to speed up the process was common sense. Instead of spending years figuring things out yourself — likely giving up in the process — you’ll learn a new skill in 90 days, use it to land a client and recoup your investment, and continue earning money from there.

Yes, it’s an investment.

But let’s be honest…

If I wouldn’t have paid for this course, there’s NO WAY I would have stuck with it for the entire 90 days. 

But since I had money on the line, it forced me to create a habit, power through, and learn the skills. I needed to repay my investment by landing clients (and I did…many times over…all while traveling the world 🏝).

How Much Does CopyHour Cost?

During pre-pandemic times, the price of CopyHour steadily increased over the years (updates and additions are free for existing members though). At one point, the program costed $1500.

That said, since the pandemic hit and caused difficult economic times, Derek has been discounting the last several rounds of the course.

Now that Ian Stanley has bought out CopyHour, there’s no saying when prices will return to normal.

But discount or no discount, if you follow through with the course, you’re sure to make your money back quickly — likely with your very first client.

How Does CopyHour Compare to Other Copywriting Courses?

I have taken more copywriting courses than I like to admit.

Some have been useful, others have been complete junk.

The one thing that makes CopyHour stand out from the rest is how it essentially forces you to build a habit and practice.

It seems overly simplistic, but this is super important. Many people buy course after course and try to absorb as much knowledge as possible — but then they barely ever actually put pen to paper and practice.

The truth is, no matter how many copywriting “tactics” you have floating around your head, you’ll never become a successful copywriter unless you actually write…and write a lot!

CopyHour gets you hooked on writing while slowly drilling the fundamentals into your head.

As you go through the course, you will literally feel your writing skills improving. You’ll see the transformation with your eyes as you practice each day.

This is the X-factor that makes CopyHour so effective compared to other courses.

Is There a CopyHour Discount Code?

I’ve never seen any Copyhour coupons or discount codes, but you should automatically see the pandemic/recession discounted price (if Ian doesn’t remove it) when you check out.

And while it’s not technically a discount code, if you purchase the course using my links below, you’ll have direct email access to me if you have any questions about getting your copywriting career off the ground. Breaking into the world of copy can be confusing, and it helps to have someone who’s “been there, done that” in your corner. Over the past few years, I’ve helped over 100 freelancers start their journey.

Where’s the CopyHour Sign Up Page?

If you want more details about the course, including the bonuses included in this round, click the button below:

(Note: CopyHour only opens a few times each year. If it’s currently closed, click here to get on the waiting list to get notified when it opens next…it’s worth the wait!)

✨ Bonus Offer

If you purchase using any link on this page, I’ll throw in my Work from Anywhere Toolkit ($25 value) for free. This mega-resource is packed with 200+ free (or very cheap) tools to help automate your business — and even do it while traveling the world!

Just forward me a copy of your receipt with subject line “WORK FROM ANYWHERE TOOLKIT BONUS” and I’ll give you access to the toolkit.

work from anywhere toolkit book mockup


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