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6 BEST Digital Nomad Health Insurance Plans for Long-Term Travel (2025)

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Shopping for the best digital nomad insurance sucks.

Studying mountains of fine print, comparing apples-to-oranges with different rules and limits, determining if you want need covered is actually covered, reading endless reviews to see which companies will try to weasel out of paying …

I’m stressed just thinking about it!

When it comes to travel insurance, digital nomads and perpetual travelers are unique creatures. We have different needs than your typical “2-week vacation” travelers.

  • Maybe you don’t have an end date.
  • Maybe you don’t have a “home country”.
  • Maybe you carry expensive equipment you want covered.
  • Maybe you want to be covered for more than just emergencies.
  • Maybe you regularly return to home base and don’t want to buy new plans each time you leave.

Choosing the right long-term travel insurance for you can be overwhelming and time-consuming — especially when you’re busy out doing digital nomad stuff.

To make life easier, I’ve done the hard work for you and narrowed down the six best options for six types of travelers.

All you have to do is choose the one that fits your “travel type” best.

Now, this post isn’t just me regurgitating what you can find yourself on different digital nomad travel insurance websites…it’s based on PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.

I’ve been working as a digital nomad and traveling the world for the past 5+ years. Out of these six long-term travel insurance plans, I have used three extensively, and I’ve met several travelers using the others.

Not only that, but I’ve ACTUALLY MADE CLAIMS (including some very expensive claims) with many of these companies, and I know first-hand what they’re like to deal with. 

Because in the end, it doesn’t matter how awesome a travel insurance company looks on paper. If they’re a nightmare to work with (or they leave you hanging when you need them most), then buying coverage is pointless.

Which digital nomad insurance plans cover COVID-19? COVID-19 threw a wrench in the whole travel insurance game. Every company on this list covers coronavirus to some extent. But make sure you read the fine print because terms and conditions change often.

Quick Summary: Best Long-Term Insurance for Digital Nomads

For those of you in a hurry to get back to your travel jobs, here are the top picks for each type of nomad:

Best value overall: SafetyWing
Best for pre-paid cards that avoid reimbursement claims: PassportCard Nomads
Coverage for adventure activities + electronics: World Nomads
Best for U.S. expats visiting the U.S.: IMG Global
Best for those who visit home frequently (EEA residents only): True Traveller
Best for comprehensive medical coverage: SafetyWing (Nomad Health)

Before we dive into the details of each one, there is one question I want to put to rest once and for all.

Is Long-Term Travel Insurance Really Even Necessary?

You might consider yourself a pretty safe person.

You probably don’t plan on getting altitude sickness…
Or being stung by a scorpion…
Or accidentally squirting hand sanitizer in your eye while traveling and chemically burning your cornea (you can’t make this stuff up, guys).

Nobody does.

I could try to drill it into your head that those types of things are called “accidents” for a reason.

Or that no matter how careful you are, things happen that are completely outside of your control.

Or that one unexpected incident could ruin you financially…

But instead of yapping your ear off with logical arguments on why you need long-term travel insurance, let me just list out some of the crazy situations I have somehow managed to get myself into while traveling (and the money I saved thanks to my travel insurance):

Guess what, guys?

None of these were planned.

Digital nomad insurance will put your mind at ease knowing you won’t go into lifelong debt tomorrow if the unexpected happens. Don’t become a digital nomad without it. Trust me. It’s worth it. Moving on.

10 Questions to ask when comparing long-term travel insurance

Here are some important things to look for when comparing your different options:

#1.) What activities are covered? If you’re planning on doing any specific activities or have risky travel hobbies (renting a motorbike, climbing a mountain, scuba diving, etc.), make sure they are covered.

#2.) What are the coverage limits? Are they high enough to cover a big accident? The whole point of insurance is to cover you for the big things that would cause you financial disaster.

#3.) What is the deductible? Some plans allow you to choose this, others don’t. You’ll want to know how much you will have to pay out-of-pocket before your benefits kick in.

#4.) How often does the deductible reset? Some deductibles reset every year, others reset each time you extend or buy a new plan, and some even reset with every single claim. The longer it takes for the deductible to reset, the better.

#5.) How is billing handled? Is it easy to set up direct billing? What is the reimbursement process like? For this one, you’ll want to look at unbiased third-party reviews.

#6.) Where are you covered? Are you covered at any hospital, or do you have to use certain ones? Are some countries excluded? This is very important to know.  

#7.) What happens when you extend? With some companies, extending can be expensive. Others make it super easy. If you don’t have a set end date, it’ll be helpful to have a flexible plan.

#8.) What is the process for extending? Some companies will extend automatically for you (which is super helpful), others require you to apply for an extension a certain amount of time in advance. The easier it is to extend, the better.

#9.) What are the rules about visiting home? Some companies are strict and will terminate your plan if you return to your home country before the end of your term. Others allow you to return home under certain circumstances, but they won’t cover you. One plan on this list gives you an allowance for days you can return home AND be covered (saving a lot of hassle).

#10.) What countries are you covered in? If you’re an expat, choosing your home country (or “country of residence”) can be confusing. If you’re not 100% sure what to choose, call to confirm. I failed to do this once and ended up traveling through the U.S. thinking I had coverage, but I did not.

Top 6 best digital nomad health insurance plans for long-term travel

Let me preface this list by saying that everyone’s situation is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer to what is the best digital nomad insurance. 

That said, here are five of the best insurance plans for digital nomads, and more importantly, what type of traveler they are best for.

SafetyWing – Best insurance for digital nomads on a budget

SafetyWing is a pretty obvious pick for most digital nomads (read on to see the exceptions). It is what I personally use whenever I am outside the U.S. (see my full Safetywing nomad insurance review).

At $56.28 per 4 weeks, SafetyWing is by far the cheapest digital nomad health insurance on the list. 

Don’t let the price fool you, though. SafetyWing has got your back!

To date, they have paid over $15,000 in hospital bills for me, including one surgery in Thailand, one surgery in Cambodia, two nights in (surprisingly luxurious) hospital rooms, and a few other random incidents.

Most of the time, they were able to work directly with the hospital and pre-approve the charges (so I didn’t have to submit all the claims paperwork and wait for reimbursement). This mostly depends on the hospital you visit though.

I will say that, while they have paid for all of my claims, sometimes I had to get after them a bit to speed up the process (i.e. call a bunch of times and ask what the hold-up was).

But that’s a small inconvenience when you factor in how cheap the plan is.

And the cherry on top?

They cover COVID-19.

SafetyWing also offers a more comprehensive health insurance plan called Remote Health Insurance, which is more expensive, but has added perks that may be worth it to you.

Cool things:

  • Cheapest policy offering the most bang for your buck (by far).
  • The new SafetyWing 2.0 has zero deductible and has the option of additional add-ons for adventure activities and electronics theft coverage.
  • Automatically extends your plan each month until you cancel (so you don’t have to try to estimate how long you’ll be gone in advance).
  • Home country coverage (for every 90 days, you’re covered 30 days within your home country — or 15 days if your home country is the U.S.). This is an extra perk you don’t see with many other companies.
  • Can set up direct billing if you use their network (or go to a hospital with a good international department).
  • COVID-19 is covered.

Uncool things:

  • Country of residence may be confusing for some people (like me) and may cause problems if you choose incorrectly.
  • Sometimes claims processing gets held up, so you’ll have to check back regularly (and possibly send some reminder emails) to keep the train moving.
  • Missed flights are not covered.


Nomad insurance (excluding U.S.): $56.28 per 4 weeks (you can choose shorter periods if you want)
Nomad insurance (including U.S.): $104.44 per 4 weeks
Optional adventure sports add-on: Additional $10/month
Optional electronics theft coverage add-on: Additional $10/month
Remote health insurance: $206 per month

*Pricing increases for those over 39 years old.

How to sign up:

It’s super easy and takes just a couple minutes. Here’s the form to get started:

World Nomads – Travel insurance that offers coverage for extreme activities

I used World Nomads for my first 2 years on the road (before switching to SafetyWing).

I made a few claims with World Nomads, including wound care after an accident riding scooters in Thailand. Oh, also that time when my left arm randomly swelled up like a purple balloon.

All of them were covered.

Unfortunately, I am not allowed to give specific details on the advantages, disadvantages, or my opinions of World Nomads, because their legal team does not allow it.

They also require me to add this disclaimer:

We receive a fee when you get a quote from World Nomads using this link. We do not represent World Nomads. This is not a recommendation to buy travel insurance.

Just know that if you are planning to do some crazy adventure activities during your trip — and you’re struggling to find a travel insurance that will cover said activities — you can check to see if World Nomads “Explorer Plan” covers it.

The only reason I switched from World Nomads is because SafetyWing insurance came out guns ablazin’ as a super cheap alternative.

I wish I could share more opinions, but my hands are tied. You’ll have to check their website for more info.

Cool things:

  • See this page. I’m not allowed to give opinions.

Uncool things:

  • Again, not allowed to give opinions. But let’s just say I switched to SafetyWing and it has saved me money, covers all the activities I personally need, and allows me to auto-extend if I don’t know my exact return date.


Depends on your home country, age, trip length, and type of plan (Standard or Explorer). For an instant quote, see this page.

How to sign up:

Fill in your home country, destinations, age, and trip length. Choose a plan and payment method, and viola! You’re covered. Here’s the form to get your instant quote.

PassportCard Nomads – Best insurance for nomads who want a convenient payment option

screenshot of passportcard nomads homepage

UPDATE: PassportCard seems to be in the process of changing its offerings and products, so prices and coverages are subject to change. Please investigate their site yourself for the latest information.

PassportCard Nomads is the new kid on the nomad insurance block, and they’re making a big splash.

One of the most annoying parts of travel insurance is having to pay out of pocket, then filling out tedious claims and waiting forever for reimbursement.

Most of the companies on this list offer an option to set up direct pay with hospitals, but this is often easier said than done. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn’t.

PassportCard Nomads is unique in that they actually send you a debit card that you can use for medical expenses.

You just open their app, request funds to pay, and they’ll load it onto your card.

Cool things:

  • No paperwork or reimbursement claims if you use their card.
  • No deductible on medical expenses.
  • Flexibility to add on extras (equipment coverage, extreme sports, etc.).
  • Different plan types for different levels of coverage.

Uncool things:

  • Sign-up process can be more involved than quick-and-easy sites like SafetyWing.
  • Base price is competitive, but if you have any health conditions that require medication or you plan to travel to certain countries, the price skyrockets.
  • Minimum one-month coverage, so not ideal for short trips.


Starts at $59 per month if have no health issues, aren’t traveling to certain countries, and don’t need extra add-on coverage. Depending on your circumstances, your premium could jump by double or triple.

How to sign up:

Fill out this questionnaire for an instant quote.

IMG Travel Health Insurance – Best digital nomad insurance for US citizens traveling in the US

Things get a bit tricky for U.S. citizens who don’t reside in the U.S., but want to visit or travel within their country.

As I mentioned earlier, many travel insurance plans do not cover you in your country of citizenship (or only give you a limited number of days) — even if you purchase a special U.S. coverage waiver.

So, what options do you have?

Well, one option you have is to buy regular health insurance. But first, that’s stupidly expensive. And second, it can get tricky if you don’t have a permanent address. 

A better option is to buy a travel insurance plan designed for U.S. expats visiting the U.S. — like the Patriot Plus America plan.

This is the plan I used while van-lifing around all the U.S. National Parks for six months (side note: watch our crazy videos here!).

I’ve been to the doctor twice (thanks to that evil hand sanitizer bottle), and my plan has already paid for itself.

The best part is, I’ve never had to make any claims or wait for reimbursements. I just chose a doctor from their list (they have a huge network), went to my appointment, and never had to pull out my wallet. Score!

IMG also has some popular options for people traveling outside the US (or non-U.S. citizens traveling to the U.S.).

It’s important to note that these are health-only plans. They do not cover travel-related expenses like missed flights, canceled trips, lost luggage, etc. (although emergency medical evacuation is covered).

Unlike World Nomads and SafetyWing, IMG has more flexibility when building your plan. So you can increase or decrease your coverage based on your needs.

Cool things:

  • One deductible per 12 months.
  • Flexible plans.
  • Well-known company.
  • Extending your policy is easy (and not as expensive as True Traveller and the other travel insurance that I’m not allowed to compare).
  • Option for U.S. expats to get coverage in the U.S.
  • Covers COVID-19 (in countries with less than a Level 3 Travel Warning). See COVID-19 updates here.

Uncool things:

  • Travel-related expenses not covered.
  • Extending your policy resets your pre-existing conditions.
  • If you have an overseas plan, your coverage will be canceled if you visit home for over 14 days in most countries (immediately in the U.S.) or if you return home for medical reasons.


Since you can build your plan based on your needs, pricing varies. But since it covers medical expenses only, it is cheaper than plans several plans that cover travel and equipment expenses.

How to sign up:

Fill out your info on the IMG Global website to get an instant quote.

True Traveller – Best long-term travel insurance for EEA residents with a home base

True Traveller is a popular long-term travel insurance provider available to EEA residents only. 

As I am not an EEA resident, I don’t have much experience with this insurance. But from what I’ve gleaned from their website and review sites, here’s the lowdown:

They offer a bunch of different plans designed for all different types of travelers (backpackers, gap year travel, multi-trip, one-way, already traveling, etc.)

Compared to SafetyWing, you have to spend more time upfront researching which plan is right for you. But in the end, you’ll have something more tailored to your needs (so you’re not paying for things you don’t care about).

Where True Traveller really shines is that they allow unlimited visits home. For digital nomads who visit family frequently or have a home base they regularly return to, this is something most other plans do not offer.

To be clear, you won’t be covered in your home country, but your plan won’t be canceled. That means that:

  1. You don’t have to buy a bunch of expensive short-term plans.
  2. Your pre-existing conditions won’t reset every time you want to visit home.

This is worth looking into if you’re eligible.

Cool things:

  • Several plans to better suit your unique needs.
  • Unlimited home visits.
  • Save money by pre-paying for a year (or more).
  • Covers COVID-19 (but only in countries on this list).

Uncool things:

  • Private medical treatment is only offered if public treatment is unavailable.
  • EEA residents only.
  • Expensive to extend if you underestimate the length of your trip.
  • Basic plan is cheap, but add-ons are expensive.
  • Will only consider direct billing for bills over £500.


As you’ll see when filling out a quote, the base plans are pretty economical. But if you start adding on extras, the price increases substantially. For this reason, it makes the most sense for those who don’t plan on doing any crazy adventure activities.

How to sign up:

Fill in your details on the True Traveller website for an instant quote. Then choose any applicable upgrades to see how it affects the price.

SafetyWing (Nomad Health) – Best comprehensive medical insurance for digital nomads

Similar to IMG Global, SafetyWing’s Nomad Health plan is a health-only plan that doesn’t cover travel-related expenses.

Unlike IMG Global (and the rest of the travel insurance providers on this list), the Nomad Health plan offers comprehensive medical insurance. That means it’s for more than just emergency care.

Depending on the tier you choose, you can also use it for:

  • Routine health exams
  • Chronic conditions
  • Dental care
  • Mental care
  • Maternity care
  • Etc.

It’s basically like your “normal” health insurance policy you had before becoming a digital nomad and traveling the world….except now you’re covered abroad.

This is a great option for digital nomads or expats who have made this their permanent lifestyle.

The emergency-only coverage you get with normal travel insurance policies is great for a while. And since it’s cheaper, you may want to stretch it out as long as possible.

But sooner or later you’re going to want to be able to go for a regular check-up, get a chronic condition treated, get those chompers cleaned, or be covered for serious stuff like cancer.

These reasons are why I decided to switch my insurance to Nomad Health, and I have already made several claims.

Side note: Nomad Health is a great option, but it’s not your only option.

If you’re an expat who spends most of your time in the same country, you could see if it’s possible to get a local health insurance plan in that country. Depending on the country, you may be surprised how cheap they are. 

If you spend all your time in cheap countries and are relatively healthy, you could also just stick with the cheapest emergency-only plan possible (like SafetyWing’s normal travel insurance), and if you want to see a doctor for a non-emergency, simply pay out-of-pocket.

If you don’t anticipate needing many routine visits, this could be an affordable option.

Cool things:

  • No deductible.
  • Coverage in your home country as well.
  • Direct billing option available for bills over $250.
  • Different tiers depending on what you want covered.
  • Can get pre-existing conditions covered if they aren’t on the exclusions list.
  • Cheaper than other international health insurance plans, and much cheaper than holding normal health insurance back in the US (if you’re an American).

Uncool things:

  • Outpatient coverage is a bit low (in my opinion) if you’re visiting the US, Singapore, or Hong Kong (everywhere else it’s better).


Since this is a more comprehensive medical plan than the rest of this list, it’s slightly more expensive. However, it’s certainly less than what you’d pay in the U.S. for health insurance.

Price depends on the tier you choose and your age group. Check prices here.

How to sign up:

Follow the instructions on this page.

Travel insurance tips that’ll save you time and headaches

Here are some tips I’ve learned (sometimes the hard way) through my experience working with different travel insurance companies:

  • Scan receipts and medical histories on your phone (right when you get them!), and make notes on them explaining what they were for. On iPhone, it’s easy to scan and add notes with Apple Notes.
  • Save your insurance ID card, passport, visas, and any other important documents in MULTIPLE places (email yourself, Google Drive, Evernote, a special “Documents” photo album on your phone, printed hard copy, etc.)
  • Save your travel insurance’s emergency contact number to your phone contacts or keep it in your wallet.
  • If you’re in doubt about whether a certain activity is covered, call them and ask. Record the conversation, just in case.
  • Take a photo of your suitcase and everything packed in it. You can use this as proof when submitting a claim for reimbursement.
  • Try to get things pre-approved if possible to avoid lengthy reimbursement processes.
  • Always have multiple payment options with you (credit cards, debit cards, hidden emergency cash, etc.).
  • Save important medical info and emergency contacts in your phone as ICE (In Case of Emergency). Keeping a note in your wallet with this info is also wise.
  • Always tell someone where you’re going and ask them to check in with you later. If you don’t, you could disappear or be in critical condition and nobody would know about it.

Finally, before buying a plan, I highly recommend scanning through the terms and conditions to make sure everything is covered that YOU need covered.

It can be a little intimidating to sift through the fine print, but I made a video you can follow showing exactly how I vet travel insurance plans to make sure I never get screwed. I highly recommend giving it a watch:


Frequently Asked Questions

Do digital nomads need insurance?

You don’t need insurance unless your visa requires it. But it would be highly irresponsible to travel as a digital nomad without some sort of long-term travel insurance or other coverage. You are asking for trouble (speaking from an unfortunate amount of experience).

What kind of insurance do digital nomads need?

Cover yourself against anything that would send you into financial ruin. This would be emergency medical insurance at minimum. Digital nomads who want more peace of mind can also opt for insurance that covers travel expenses and lost or stolen belongings.

What is the best insurance for digital nomads?

The best insurance for digital nomads depends on your priorities and circumstances. If you want the best value outside your home country, SafetyWing is the way to go. If you want your laptop and equipment covered, check out the insurance I’m not legally allowed to talk about (re-read article if you’re confused). If you want a convenient, pre-paid debit card to pay for expenses, consider PassportCard Nomads. If you want medical coverage only, look at IMG Global or SafetyWing’s Nomad Health plan.

Can I buy travel insurance if I’m already traveling?

You should really buy travel insurance before you leave home. That said, most companies on this list allow you to purchase coverage even if you are already traveling. The sooner you get covered, the better.

Does travel insurance cover lost luggage?

Most travel insurance plans cover lost luggage, although some plans like IMG Global and the Nomad Health plan only cover medical expenses. If you lose your luggage, the reimbursement process is much easier if you have a photo of everything that was packed in your bags.

Will travel insurance cover me in my home country?

Some companies like SafetyWing cover you for a set amount of days in your home country in case you need to visit. Most travel insurance companies will not cover you in your home country, and others may even terminate your policy if you come home.

What do I use for my home country when buying travel insurance if I am a nomad with no “home”?

Depending on your situation, this can get confusing. Your best bet is to call the company directly and ask. If not, you may risk not being covered if you choose incorrectly (like I did). Sometimes you will use your country of citizenship, other times your country of residence.

What’s the difference between travel insurance and health insurance?

Travel insurance usually covers travel-related expenses (lost luggage, trip delays, emergency evacuation, etc.) and medical emergencies. Unlike comprehensive health insurance plans, travel insurance does NOT cover routine check-ups, chronic conditions, and in many cases, pre-existing conditions and dental care.

What does travel insurance actually cover?

Travel insurance coverage varies from plan to plan, but most cover acute medical care; trip interruption; trip cancellations and delays, emergency and medical evacuation; and lost, damaged, or stolen luggage. This is coverage is slightly different from international health insurance plans, which generally only cover medical expenses in a foreign country.

Is travel insurance a waste of money?

Travel insurance can be a waste of money if you buy it through any old company and fail to investigate the exclusions. That said, if you choose a reputable company and familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions, travel insurance may just be the wisest financial investment you make during your trip. Accidents happen all the time when traveling, and the last thing you want is to be stuck with a huge medical bill.

Mitch's Travel Recommendations:
Travel Planning Resources - Everything you need to plan your trip on one convenient page.
Going Cheap Flights Newsletter - Get flight deals from your airport up to 90% off sent straight to your inbox.
Safetywing Insurance - This cheap travel insurance has saved me over $15,000 in medical bills. - Book accommodation without adding your credit card (in case you need to cancel).
Trusted House Sitters - Take care of pets in exchange for free (sometimes luxury) accommodation.
Flexjobs - Find remote jobs without having to sift through crappy ones.
Skillshare - Free trial to take unlimited classes that teach digital nomad skills.
Wise - Send and receive money abroad cheaply (great for freelancers).

2 thoughts on “6 BEST Digital Nomad Health Insurance Plans for Long-Term Travel (2025)”

  1. I’d love to talk. I am a digital nomad, US citizen, age 33, needing an annual or 6 month worldwide&domestic travel related insurance. Travel related insurance like trip delays and delayed luggage. I fly domestic and international, so I fly home sometimes between trips. I have a permanent address in the US, for mail, but I don’t have a place that I rent. I travel worldwide, multiple trips, open-ended tickets, (no round trip tickets), I fly standby, kind of on an employee plan. I’m not concerned with medical insurance, because I’m healthy, and I have health insurance in the US. I just need my luggage covered. I’m running into annual policies that limit the amount of trips, like 10 per year, (Trawick International), I would like no limit, or policies that don’t cover my domestic flights,(Safetywing), I need domestic coverage for my luggage and trip delays, I find that insurance cancels when I get back home, (WorldNomad), I find that companies don’t cover open ended tickets, (Allianz), I find that they don’t offer annual policy, (Travelex). Can you help me?

    • Hey Rose! Unfortunately insurance companies are pretty strict about who can give insurance advice, and since I’m not an insurance broker, I need to be careful with giving out recommendations. That said, if you’re just looking for luggage coverage, you might want to check out different travel credit cards that offer it as a perk! Here is the one I use. 🙂 This one is a premium card with a bunch of other perks, but there are other more basic cards that cover luggage as well!


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